Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

bisnis internet online Blogs can also be a fairly lucrative side income as per an advertising PPC can make money with a system of " Pay per Click " . To maximize click ads on the blog , you need to pair these ads are strategically placed and not disturb visitors who are reading your article . The ad should be installed right in the sidebar or at the bottom of your blog post , so as not to spoil the view , and also to allow visitors more comfortable when in your blog . Advertising in pairs must also be considered first because the danger if the ad contains elements of : porn , gambling or insult that can lead to your blog deleted by Search Engine King " GOOGLE " . Because Google has banned advertisements for not smelling offense as I mentioned above earlier . In this kind of provider , PPC advertising is also very much in this world as a very well-known is Google Adsense and Adwords which can also improve your blog SEO kualits and also some other PPC ad providers such as : Bidvertiser , Chitika , Clicksor and some local PPC ( Indonesia ) which also gives the opportunity Indonesian bloggers to earn money from their blogs , such as : Adsense Camp , Idblognetwork and others . Also Read : Tutorial Inserting Share Buttons in Blog Well , on this occasion I will give a few tips on How to Install Under Blog Postings Advertising . But before you follow these tips , you should have prepared " Script Code " ads that have been given by your ad provider . Here's how: # 1 Prepare advertising Javascript code that has been given from your PPC peluang usaha online advertising provider # 2 Parse - right ad code . You can visit so that you can memparsekan Blogcrowds your ads and copy the code that has been in the parsekan . # 3 Log in to Blogger > Dashboard > Template > Edit Template # 4 Press Ctrl + F and find the code <data:post.body/> If there are 2 select the second . for more details : <data:post.body/> <div style='clear: both;'/> <div class='clear'/> # 5 Having met the above code then you merge the advertisement code with the format as last diparsekan the following : == cond='data:blog.pageType <b:if "item"'> <p> Put the ad code has diparsekan earlier < / p > < / b : if> # 6 Paste the ad code pasted earlier and place it between the code and <div style='clear: <data:post.body/> both;'/> . <data:post.body/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p> Put the ad code has diparsekan earlier < / p > < / b : if> < div style = ' clear: both ; ' / > # 7 Finally click " Save " and see the results . How to Make a Box Advertising on Blogs - Continuing the previous tutorial to make animated banners and flash as well as advertisements on the right and left of the blog , on this occasion I will discuss about a tutorial to make boxes in blog -sized ad 125x125 px . You probably already know that the act of writing a blog article ( blogging ) is now no longer just a hobby or a release to fill the void of time . Create a blog and memanagenya properly also can produce the material in the form of money that most of the bloggers make it as one of the livelihood ( read : how to earn money from blog ) . Displays or create a banner ad space on your website / blog usually made ​​by a separate business opportunities blog or website that has a lot of visitors and have popularity in search engines ( read how to increase visitors to the blog ) . But it was likely your blog is still new to advertise for bids by the parties put their ads in your blog that you have. If you are interested in providing or creating advertising box on the blog , bloggers who follow tutorial I will iklan massal explain below . Creating Box Ads in Blog Need I say before you make a box de blog advertising is something to consider in the display space as well as the location of the banner ad is its structure in order to attract more people . So it is not the origin of the image pairs are ultimately ad is shown to be less interesting as a mess . One way of monetizing a blog is to place ads , a provider of online advertising services are SITTI stands ( system technology text ads Indonesia ) is the largest online advertising network in Indonesia. Sitti has huge ambitions to compete with google adsense in the field of advertising . Sitti network includes more than thousands of websites and blogs in Indonesian language makes it easy for advertisers to reach target markets in the Internet network destination . In this case will be discussed how to register and advertise from SITTI your blog or site : Registering to SITTI click here https://sittizen.sitti.co.id/daftar.php Then write an email , paswoard , site name , select the type of site , select the applications you use and the number of visitors then write the verification bisnis online code , then click submit to SITTI After registering will appear Thank you for registering to be a member of a network of content providers SITTI SITTIZEN Log into your account you write your email , password and verification code later click enter . Then the display will appear as below then select Make New Ad Slot . Then write the address of your website / blog , then setting display advertising , font , colors , size according to your blog so that it matches with your blog . Then click on HTML CODE ENDS AND SHOW YOUR AD Copy HTML code and paste it in your blog . Sign in to add your blog design gadge select , select HTML / JavaScript then paste the HTML code ADVERTISEMENT here and save . Thanks hopefully useful , if there are any questions please give komenar ................. ! ! ! !
Blogs can also be a fairly lucrative side income as per an PPC advertising can make money with a system of " Pay per Click " . To maximize click ads on the blog , you need to pair these ads are Strategically placed and not disturb visitors who are reading your article .
The ad should be installed right in the bisnis online sidebar or at the bottom of your blog post , so as not to spoil the view , and also to allow visitors more comfortable when in your blog . Advertising in pairs must also first be Considered Because The danger if the ad contains elements of : porn , gambling or insult that can lead to your blog deleted by Search Engine King " GOOGLE " . Because Google has banned advertisements for not smelling offense as I Mentioned Earlier above .
In this kind of provider , PPC advertising is also very much in this world as a very well - known is Google Adsense and Adwords roomates can also improve your SEO blog kualits and also some other PPC ad providers such as: Bidvertiser , Chitika , Clicksor and some local PPC ( Indonesia ) roomates also gives the opportunity Indonesian bloggers to earn money from their blogs , such as: Adsense Camp , Idblognetwork and others .
Also Read : Tutorial Inserting Share Buttons in Blog
Well , on this occasion I will give a few tips on How to Install Under Blog Postings Advertising . But before you follow these tips , you should have prepared " Script Code " ads that have been given by your ad provider . Here 's how :
# 1 Prepare advertising Javascript code that has been given from your PPC advertising providers
# 2 Parse - right ad code . You can visit so iklan terbaik that you can memparsekan Blogcrowds your ads and copy the code that has been in the parsekan .
# 3 Log in to Blogger > Dashboard > Template > Edit Template
# 4 Press Ctrl + F and find the code <data:post.body/> If there are 2 select the second . for more details:
< <data:post.body/> div style = " clear: both ; ' / > <div class='clear'/>

# 5 Having met the above code then you merge the advertisement code diparsekan Earlier with the following format :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p> Put the ad code has diparsekan Earlier < / p > < / b : if>

# 6 Paste Earlier pasted the ad code and place it between the code and < div style = " clear : both <data:post.body/> ; ' / > .
<data:post.body/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p> Put the ad code has diparsekan Earlier < / p > < / b : if> < div style = " clear: both ; ' / >

# 7 Finally click " Save " and see the results .
How to Make a Box Advertising on Blogs - pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar Continuing the previous tutorial to the make animated banners and flash as well as advertisements on the right and left of the blog , on this occasion I will discuss about a tutorial to make- boxes in blog - sized ad 125x125 px . You probably already know that the act of writing a blog article ( blogging ) is now no longer just a hobby or a release to fill the void of time . Create a blog and memanagenya properly also can produce the material in the form of money that most of the bloggers make it as one of the livelihood (read : how to earn money from blog ) .
Displays or create a banner ad space on your website / blog usually made ​​by a separate business opportunities blog or website that has a lot of visitors and have popularity in search engines ( read how to increase of visitors to the blog ) . But it was Likely your blog is still new to advertise for bids by the parties put their ads in your blog that you have . If you are interested in providing or creating advertising box on the blog , bloggers who follow tutorial I will explain below .
Creating Ads in Blog Box
I need to say before you make a box ad de blog are things that need to be Considered in the display space as well as the location of the banner ad is its structure in order to Attract more people. So it is not the origin of the image pairs are ultimately ad is shown to be less interesting as a mess .
One way of monetizing a blog is to place ads, a provider of online advertising services are SITTI stands (system technology text ads Indonesia ) is the largest online advertising network in Indonesia . Sitti has huge ambitions to Compete with jasa desain webste murah google adsense in the field of advertising . Sitti network includes more than Welcome to Thunderbird websites and blogs in Indonesian language makes it easy for advertisers to reach targeted markets in the Internet network destination .
In this case will be Discussed how to register and advertise from SITTI your blog or site:
Registering to SITTI click here https://sittizen.sitti.co.id/daftar.phpThen write an email , paswoard , site name , select the type of site , select the applications you use and the number of visitors then write the verification code , then click send to SITTI
After registering will Appear Thank you for registering to be a member of a network of content providers SITTIZENSign in to your account SITTI write your email , password and then click enter the verification code.

Then the display will Appear as below then select Make New Ad Slot .
Then write the address of your website / blog , then setting display advertising , font , colors , size According to your blog so that it matches with your blog .Then click on HTML CODE AND SHOW ENDS

YOUR AD CODE Copy and paste the HTML on your blog .

Sign in to add your blog design gadge jasa seo murah select , select HTML / JavaScript
Then paste HTML CODE AD here then save .
Thanks hopefully useful , if there are any questions please give komenar ................. ! ! ! !

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